since the long delay of my posts nerf n-strike elite has come out with new blaster and althow i have not been able to get my hands on any of this blaster. i will get them in the future but for now here are the blasters that nerf came out with for this line
elite alpha trooper (not confirmed)
magic the gathering is my new hobbie so every week i will come out with a post on what new cards i got like from blind packs or boxes and if you whant to know what i am talking about go to this page
this is chandra the main girl for red spells
and see the awsome card that are thereand if you commet i will show you my friends that also like magic and i will show you my decks that i play with
sorry i was gone a long time but with a new hobbie and every thing from school to my work i dont have any time to make new posts and viedos so this is a post to say im back in action and i will try every single week to make a new post or an new viedo
the nerf magstrike is a great blaster for like consealed positions that after a war you can go and get the darts but the flaw of this gun is that you have to pump it like 50+ times for all the darts to go out the barrle and there is no sights so its not trusted in a semi automatic mode because you'll get the same thing if you "spray and pray" but